Organization for Youth Education & Development (OYED)

List of Youth Programs in EU Member State

List of Youth Programs in EU Member State


The Organization for Youth Education and Development (OYED) is an establishment that seeks to promote the interests of young people on a European level. In order to support this youth agenda the OYED is proposing a common EU policy relating to young people, comprised of 10 points. This proposal addresses some of the most pressing challenges faced by young people in the European Union today.

The OYED believes it to be a gross injustice that the opportunities and level of social inclusion that a young individual can expect is dependent on which country they inhabit. There is a clear imbalance within the European Union, which if left unchecked will perpetuate the current trend and threaten European cohesiveness. This proposal seeks to lift the cap on aspiration on a European level.

This memorandum therefore exists to reinforce this common EU policy proposal as it contains extensive research regarding governmentally funded youth programs and initiatives in every EU member state. The broad scope of this research highlights loopholes in existing policies in one or multiple member states, aiding EU legislators to tailor a more effective approach. Over the course of this research three overarching issues have arisen which must be addressed: social mobility, opportunities for young people, especially linking education to work and entrepreneurship and innovation, and political engagement.


Program Name:
German: Artists-in-Residence Programm
English: Artists-in-Residence Program

Established Year: 2011

This programme allows artists from different disciplines (actors, visual artists, musicians, writers) to develop their creativity while outside of their cultural group. Artists-in-Residence programmes have been useful in terms of strengthening the networking of international artists with the Austrian art and culture scene. They promote the development of contemporary art, support artists in their mobility and encourage intercultural exchange. An important focus of the programme lies in the networking of international scholarship with the Austrian art and culture scene. The Artists-in-Residence programme also  helps stimulate interest and debate in Austria regarding the cultural and artistic activity in other countries.
Program Name:
German: BAGTIS- Theater in der Schule
English: BAGTIS- Theatre in School

Established Year: 2013

This is a programme that aims at supporting and developing education to theatre. BAGTIS is a platform which defines and promotes areas of competence for educators in theatrical diciplines. Its goal is to initiate training programs as well as to promote the dissemination and effectiveness of theatrical forms of learning in schools and educational institutions for teachers and educators. BAGTIS is committed to the widest possible presence of theatrical education in all educational institutions. The programme regards theatre as an essential component of aesthetic education in all types of schools and age groups and thus as a powerful tool for contemporary education.
Program Name:
German: Culture connected - Kooperation zwischen Schulen und Kulturpartners
English: Culture connected - Cooperation between Schools and Culture Partners

Established Year: 2013

The program is an Austria-wide initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Women. The aim of the initiative is to support cooperation projects between schools and cultural partners. The main priorities and goals are:

-supporting schools and cultural partners in their cooperation;
-enabling children and young people with employment and participation in arts and culture;
-opening the school as an institution - through collaboration with cultural partners and involvement of external experts;
-appealing to target groups with different cultural and social backgrounds;
-make the potential of new learning environments outside of school experience;
-developing social support and cooperative learning.
Program Name:
German: Empowering Young People - Connecting Europe
English: Empowering Young People - Connecting Europe

Established Year: 2012

This program is designed to develop understanding and tolerance of other cultures. Empowering Young People - Connecting Europe supports innovative school-based projects that help young people in the following fields:

-understanding and accepting other cultures through cross-cultural interactions in the Danube region
-promoting active citizenship through intercultural awareness
-supporting participation in civil society in their home country, in the
Danube region and in Europe
-committing themselves to sustainable development.
Program Name:
German: Internationales Zentralinstitut für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen (IZI)
English: International Central Institute for Youth-and Educational Television

Established Year: 1965

The IZI is an institute that conducts scientific research into childhood and youth television viewing, media needs, and educational television; among its activities, it deals with the impact of TV on children and young people’s daily lives in Germany. In collaboration with international researchers, current and publicly relevant topics are explored to provide sound evidence for editors, programmers, educators, associations and journalists. The IZI organises national and international conferences and workshops, in which researchers and editors work together for an attractive, quality-oriented children, youth and education programming.
Program Name:
German: Jugendpresse Österreich
English: Youth Press Austria

Established Year: 2004

This program aims at achieving greater youth involvement in the media field by supporting young media makers and helping them network and improve their skillsets. Its main goal is to support young people interested in media and young journalists in fields related to education, training, networking and exchange. In order to promote this and to provide assistance the programme offers different services in the areas of networking and training.
Program Name:
German: KinderUni
English: Kids University

Established Year: 2014

This program involves several State universities in organising classes for children and the youth. The aim of KinderUni is to get children interested in further education.  The program is adapted to the needs of children and youth, combining lectures with workshops and offering a closer look at the academic environment.

For example, the KinderUniGraz offers a year-round program for children and teenagers between 8 and19 years of age.
Program Name:
German: KUS-Netzwerk
English: KUS-Network

Established Year: 2007

KUS is a network for education, social services, sports and culture. It organizes general education, vocational and personal development training courses, coordinating the program "Berufsmatura - Education with school-leaving examination". The preparation for the vocational diploma is provided free of charge. In the field of political education KUS network places a special focus on the area of ??participation and school democracy. In the spirit of education employability, the KUS-network fosters young people's ability to participate in democratic processes.
Program Name:
German: Mentoringprogramm für junge Künstler
English: Mentoring- programme for young artists

Established Year: 2008

The aim of this mentoring program is to foster the transfer of skills and experience from experienced artists to younger artists, allowing the build-up of networks and the recognition of skills and potentials. The mentors share their personal experiences with participants, helping the mentees in the decision-making process. The mentors also benefit from this programme as it provides space for reflection on one's own career, not to mention the sharpening of leadership skills.
Program Name:
German: Österreichische Jugendwohlfahrt
English: Austrian Youth Welfare

Established Year: 2012

The Austrian National Council of Youth Welfare is an apolitical, professional, not for profit association for youth welfare; it aims to facilitate the promoting of technical and professional interests of the people advocating for youth welfare in Austria. These goals are achieved through further education, statements and publications, courses and lectures.
Program Name:
German: Österreichisches Zentrum für Persönlichkeitsbildung und soziales Lernen
English: Austrian Centre for Personality Building and Social Learning

Established Year: 2005

The "Austrian Center for Personal Development and Social Learning" (ÖZEPS) is an institution of the Austrian Ministry for Arts and Culture (BMUKK) and has been active nationwide since September 2005. Its main goal is to build bridges between science and education. In this context, some hand-outs have been established:

-Cultural agreements in schools;
-Custom specific learning tailored towards individuals´ needs;
-Violence prevention in schools;
-Personal Development and Social Learning;
-Performance evaluations;
Program Name:
German: Program K3
English: K3 Programme

Established Year: 1989

The K3 program is a series of model project for the fostering of cultural mediation, with a special focus on ??apprentice training. Over 70 different project variants have been established in Austria since this initiative started in 1989. They all have had one goal: placing apprentices in communicative exchanges with artists currently instigating their own cultural projects. The K3 program is organised by CCA and funded by the Ministry for Education and Women.
Program Name:
German: Sparkling Science - Wissenschaft ruft Schule, Schule ruft Wissenschaft
English: Sparkling Science - Science calls School, School calls Science

Established Year: 2007

Sparkling Science is a research program of the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economics (former BMWF).The support program of the Ministry (BMWFW) was implemented with the goal of enhancing cooperation with schools and it is part of a comprehensive initiative aimed at supporting youth. Although a variety of support programmes, measures and PUS-school competitions in the dialogue between science and society have been launched throughout Europe in recent years, this program goes a step further: Sparkling Science exclusively promotes collaborations in which young people are actively involved in current research projects allowing them to contribute to these activities.